For therapists
Feeling Stuck With A Case
Are you feeling stuck with a case involving anxiety, depression, addictions, low self-esteem, relationship problems, client(s) shutting down in session, or trauma? I offer case consultation for therapists who are struggling with helping their clients achieve their goals in any of the above areas.

I have extensive training and supervision in Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). I also train practicing professionals (psychiatrists, psychologist, and licensed professional counselors and social workers) in Intensive Short-term Dynamic psychotherapy. My experience as a student and a trainer of this technique has equipped me with the skills to provide you with the help you need in examining areas in which you are feeling stuck.
Contact me to schedule a consultation.
Therapy for Therapists
Do you know the value of doing your own work? Join the small group of therapists and other helping professionals who are not shy from taking a dose of the medications they prescribe. The importance of therapists / mental health professionals doing their own therapy is often understated in mental health training programs. Yet, it is invaluable. Not only does it help you understand what it feels like to be on the other side, but it also helps your efficacy as a therapist. As a psychotherapist you hold space for your patients. If you have not done your own work, your own defenses could get in the way of your effectiveness in helping your patients. Low therapist affect tolerance can impede your ability to tolerate not only your patients’ feelings but may lead you to avoid discussing uncomfortable and difficult topics with your patients and therefore lower your efficacy. Additionally, holding spacing could cause you burnout. If you are ready to do your own work, contact me. I provide therapy services for therapists.

Case Consultations
As a therapist you know the value of case consultations. It broadens your perspective and gives you additional insights. Are you feeling stuck with a case? I offer case consultation services for therapists. I have extensive training and supervision in Intensive Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). I also train licensed practicing professionals (psychiatrists, psychologist, and licensed professional counselors and social workers) in ISTDP techniques. My experience as a student and a trainer of this technique has equipped me with the skills to provide you with the help you need in examining areas in which you are feeling stuck. Contact me to schedule a consultation.